Thursday, February 25, 2010


All right, I know... we have neglected the blog for the last couple of weeks. But what can I say, we have been a little distracted. We do apologize.

Things here have been wonderful. We often wonder how it is that we could go all the way to Ethiopia and come home with the cutest kid in the world. Even when he is being a little stinker, his laugh will fix anything. We have absolutely fallen even more head-over-heels in love with this little guy than we ever could have imagined.
Like I said, things are going great. His eating and sleeping habits are now (fingers crossed) under control. He has all ready started 3rd foods and at the doctor today weighed in at 21 pounds 1 ounce! Sleeping has been good too. For the most part he will put himself to sleep and has been sleeping 11 1/2 hours at night plus 2 naps during the day!!!! YAY!

He has also bonded really well to mom and dad. We have had him at church and even one afternoon with a "babysitter", and he does wonderfully with other people. But what is awesome is he always wants to come back to mom and dad. Now that I am home with him, I will say the word ma-ma and his little face will just light up with the brightest smile! It is just awesome being a parent.

Our only difficulty has been with his continued congestion. Yes, the one we brought him home with. That was the reason for our trip to the doctor today, as it has been starting to affect his eating. It either prevents him from being able to take his bottle or causes him to throw it up after he finishes. Your continued prayers on that are much appreciated. He has a chest x-ray tomorrow to see if they can see anything there otherwise they will put him on a steroid to try to clear it up. I just want my poor little guy to be able to breath right.

Even with all that, he is a very happy, healthy baby. We both feel so blessed and can't believe that he is ours. What a joy! Hopefully you all have met him, and if not that you will get to soon. Just let us know! And I will try to better on the blogging (sorry Jill!).

Love ya all!!


  1. The little red car with the face is cute and all...but I'm glad it doesn't have a nose for him to lean over and play with...after all, he is related to Aaron! :-)

    For those of you who have no idea what that means...ask Aaron about Ollie.

  2. Thank you for your continuing efforts to keep me updated!!!! I am VERY grateful! Good grief - we shared some pretty amazing stuff - eating injera together, watching my daughter get "stolen" at zebra grill, to name just a few KEY ones!!! I can't just go cold turkey & not know what's going on!!!!
    We're praying they get Yiah's yuck figured out!!!

    Jill & Matt

  3. Oh man!! He is so handsome. I love his hair... and 21lbs!! He's almost half way to Winnie!!
