I heard something yesterday . It really caught me off guard at the time, but I want to respond to it for all of you.
While sitting in the waiting room with Yedidiya waiting for his chest x-ray, there was another man waiting with us. After about 10 minutes he came over and asked if he could see my son. I replied that would be no problem at all and after about 5 minutes of talking to Yiah and making small talk with me, the gentleman returned to his seat. I didn't see this as anything out of the ordinary or bothersome until that gentleman got called back for his appointment.
As he met the nurse who had called him, he stated "
have you seen this little guy over here yet?" and pointed at Yedidiya. I, of course, smiled like the proud dad I am and the nurse came over and looked commenting on how adorable he was. As she returned to the gentleman and led him out of the waiting room, the man said to her, "
that kid doesn't know how lucky he has it." It took me a moment to figure out what he meant by that, and it didn't really sink in until I heard the nurse's response. As the door closed behind them I heard her reply. "
If there was only some way to make them understand." My jaw dropped, and my opportunity vanished.
What bothers me about this is that I wish I could find a way to make the two of them understand. And everyone else who has never been a part of adoption.
HE HAS BLESSED US. The only two here who are "lucky" are Laura and I, and we are the only two we have ever considered lucky. Yedidiya has given us so much, added so much to our lives, and, for that, I am eternally grateful to him, our son. He has truly blessed us.