...Kitties and Puppy.
Yedidiya has become very comfortable with his new home, so his curiosities are coming out. At first puppy (Pee Wee) and Kitties (Sam and Cleo) scared him, and quite honestly, they were also scared of him. I think Pee Wee was maybe a little more towards jealousy, but you get the point. Now his interest in the animals has peeked. He will follow them around rooms, watch them from his high chair, and always try to grab them.

The kitties are handling it great. Pretty much, they let Yiah poke, prod, and grab to his hearts content, or they simply walk away. Pee Wee is getting more comfortable with him as well. Pee Wee loves to give Yedidiya kisses and clean his ears, but is not so much of a fan when Yiah tries to return the affection with a touch or grab. The most adorable thing is now if Mom or Dad is not right by Yiah, Pee Wee will set up camp as close as possible right underneath him and "watch out" for Yedidiya. I think we have some best friends in the making!