We made it to Ethiopia with no issues, and got to meet our son. The last 48 hours have been crazy traveling, as the 3 of us have slept anywhere from 5 to 10 hours (as good as you can sleep on a plane). We did manage to get away for a few hours and saw part of downtown Frankfurt.
Yiah has been a real trooper. He crashed today mid afternoon and is already out for the night right now (as is Laura), but you couldn't ask for anything more from a 4 year old. After all that travel with little to no sleep we thought we could sleep at our hotel for a few hours, until lunch. But from the time we got to our hotel this morning, we had about 45 minutes to get cleaned up, eat and we were off to the transition home.
There we got to meet our little guy and hold him for the first time. We spent a good 2 1/2 hours there this morning, and after eating lunch, spent another 2 in afternoon. I will say his hair is crazy and he is a chunk! Yiah was a great big brother reading to him and holding him, everything we new he would be. He also was a hit with the kids at the transition home and he ran and played with all of them in the yard.
While we were there we were able to speak with the nurse a little about his condition. She actually approached us because she remembered Yedidiya from his time there. She didn't have too detailed of information for us, but we do know that they have heard back from the neurosurgeon. All she really knew was that he had his MRI and he needs surgery. The surgery is not to put in a shunt however, as we had expected. She also informed us that we would meet with the lead nurse about it in more detail tomorrow. We don't know what the surgery is or any short/long term affects of his condition. We do know, that after spending the day with him, that he is not meeting many milestones and lacking skills that a child his age should have.
The time we had with him was blessed, but we left today with more questions than answers. As for me, I am just going to admit that I am scared and am filled with doubts. My biggest is if I am strong enough. I am uncertain of what this journey will bring and what God's will and purpose for us, and for our family is. It has been a difficult day with many emotions. I just pray we will know more tomorrow and God's plan will be clear.